A post about Walker Evans and the news that the H22O sim in Second Life is set to close. “Evans… perceived as Atget had done, that we sense nothing in isolation, that we sense this for what it is only by reference to another thing which it is not”. “Evans, an ironist through and […]
Tag: Second Life
Aspen Fell and Intro: Colour and Music
Today I’m going to take a couple of interesting regions of Second Life with strong visual impact, and I’m going to talk about the similarities in how they create an interpretation of the world. On the surface, they seem quite different. Aspen Fell is naturalistic, predominantly dark and the region is treated as a scenic […]
Thoughts on Composition
This time I thought I’d give some of my thoughts on composition, based a shot I’ve put on Flickr: Dozing at Cheeky Tiramisu. This is a shot I really like – definitely one of my recent favourites of my own photographs inworld – taken at Cheeky Tiramisu. The underlying reason is its strong abstract quality. […]
Why the attraction of water? Reflections surely are part of it. And shallow virtual Waterworlds avoid the real life inconveniences of mud, mosquitos or leeches. In Second Life, land can be brought easily out of the water, or pushed back into it, and in these waterlands, one is able to walk and move at surface […]