Time for the Osprey

It has been a strange time. So little happening for so long, then many things following close to each other. So, as Supernova Digital Animation Festival concludes in Denver on 30 September, I’m looking forward to another, shorter, festival during October. Flames Tear the Soul has been selected for the Osprey Short Film Awards. It will be shown at the lovingly restored Alhambra on 23 October 2021, as part of the Keswick Film Festival. It is rather closer to my home in the northwest of England than Denver!

Flames Tear the Soul was a work long in the making. I wrote about it in a previous blog post, so I won’t repeat that here, except to add that I made some revisions this year. It is a deeply personal work, and some unexpectedly hostile words led to recent re-edits added to that emotional connection.

I’m glad it is going to have another public showing. And at the bottom of this post are some words of Ludwig van Beethoven from the Heiligenstadt Testament, which held deep meaning and resonance.

Farewell and love each other.

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