

47 years ago, I was making lunar landscapes from polyfilla and coal dust. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon was still a few years away, as was my musical taste. But I was living through the space race, and the moon landings were better to think about than the other uses of rockets during […]


Exhibition News

I have a couple of new exhibitions. I don’t do exhibitions very often. I’ve never been an ‘art’ photographer and I’m too in love with colour to shoot black and white. I’ve photographed the naked body in rl, but it doesn’t really interest me in sl. In machinima I can work with these things to […]

He's Watching You, by Tizzy Canucci

Watching You

Another machinima! He’s Watching You is a more abstract video this time, combining and overlaying video and audio. He’s Watching You from Tizzy Canucci on Vimeo. The video uses material from a performance last weekend (11 June 2016) by SaveMe Oh, with music provided by Echo Starship. There was a previous performance with SaveMe Oh and […]

Furillen in Second Life. Photo by Tizzy Canucci

Farewell to Furillen

Furillen was unusual – it sprang up and disappeared in a very short time. There was no fanfare for closure, and no time for a reprieve. And that was right. Gertrude Jekyll, the great garden designer of the early 20th century, never wanted her gardens preserved. Without the gardener, the garden ceased to be a […]