Why the attraction of water? Reflections surely are part of it. And shallow virtual Waterworlds avoid the real life inconveniences of mud, mosquitos or leeches. In Second Life, land can be brought easily out of the water, or pushed back into it, and in these waterlands, one is able to walk and move at surface […]
We are What we Create, and We Create Who We are
I started this piece of writing two years ago when I decided to complete revamp an avatar. I didn’t really have the time to make those changes, but I felt a compulsion for change, which I thought was about to rework wider ideas of my identity. I’d been thinking about the ideas around this for […]
Steampunk at Babbage
Dark and industrial in a steampunk way, New Babbage is an impressive area covering ten sims. It is certainly atmospheric, with towers, bridges, canals and railways half concealed in the gloom. Steampunk is a view of what Victorian England might have become, extrapolating old types of technology forward in time. It has been criticised for […]
Falling Snow, Rising Lanterns: Nagare
It’s not often I browse the ‘destinations’ of Second Life. I’m not sure how or why the places find their way into this honoured tab, but I always have a long list of places in my inventory to explore. This, however, was a little gem. It’s not a big area once you teleport in, but […]
Rights grabbing and the official Second Life Flickr group
Or why I won’t submit to the Official Second Life group on Flickr. 2015 update: The conditions on joining the group have been changed since writing this post and are reasonable and fair now. You may remember that Instagram fell flat on its face about a year ago for changing its terms of service. Uploading […]
Quiet solitude at the Looking Glass
It’s good to get tempted into doing something which is a bit different from the usual. Snowy landscapes are the thing of the moment; they are only around for a couple of months, so it’s a question of catching it while it’s there. I think the quality of snowscapes, and trees in particular, is better […]
Winter’s Light at Elysion
The seasons turn in Second Life, usually in alignment with the northern hemisphere. Though in my part of the world, it’s stayed wet and windy, and I’ve barely seen any snow. Elysion is an attractive sim, and I’d been there earlier in the year. So, I thought I’d look see what there was now. So […]
Five Years Old Today!
I’m sitting at home in Second Life, music playing, keeping an eye on the conversation box. Five years ago today, I first logged in. Why? Well, I was in my final year of a degree, and I’d written an essay on authenticity (in the sense Heideggar used it) in terms of online spaces. In putting […]
The Snowfields of Imaginaria
Cold, white, Imaginaria is a winter sim of snowfields and copses. But Second Life for me is not just about the visual, it is also about music. I have Radio Paradise streaming in my sl home and I like to go places and hear the choices of individual DJs, but sometimes I’ll just put on […]
The season turns; Christmas comes to Mad City
Rain gives way to snow, on the dark streets of Mad City. I first looked round in July, just before my vacation from sl, and caught some pictures of the dark rainy streets, which I have only just got up on Flickr. I returned recently and the streets were covered in snow. The sim has […]