Furillen in Second Life. Photo by Tizzy Canucci

Farewell to Furillen

Furillen was unusual – it sprang up and disappeared in a very short time. There was no fanfare for closure, and no time for a reprieve. And that was right. Gertrude Jekyll, the great garden designer of the early 20th century, never wanted her gardens preserved. Without the gardener, the garden ceased to be a […]

'Morpheus I' photo taken in Second Life by Tizzy Canucci

Mortality, the Dead and Not-dead of Virtual Worlds

I’m looking at ‘Sacrifice’ by Osferatus Haven, at Morpheus. It’s a set piece diorama; flickering flames, but otherwise it’s a static installation. A couple of blood-lusty creatures face each other while desperate hands reach up from the ground and corpses lie round and about. By coincidence, I’d come across a journal article1 a little earlier […]