The Spinner of Webs: The Screen and the Canvas is my latest moving image work, now on Vimeo. This is the third upload this month, and it fulfils a desire to generate work out of Second Life that is more dynamic. While I still enjoy the pure image capture, the photograph that catches your eye […]
Tag: Second Life
Glass and Light Breakwave
Well, moving images do appear to be my current passion! A machinima filmed at Glass and Light Breakwave by Frankx Lefavre on LEA6 in Second Life. In the machinima, movement through and within the space is cut to a sparse, neo-classical piece by Kai Engel. As with my previous piece, Peatonville Bay, it glides rather […]
Art at the limits of technology
‘Why the Film Look matters in the Digital Age’ was an article published by RedShark on their website recently. The fascinating aspect of articles about this subject is the balance of opinion and the angle taken on the difference between digital and ‘analogue’ 1. The last paragraph in this article is particularly interesting in this […]
Peatonville Bay
Early morning mist hangs – Peatonville Bay from Tizzy Canucci on Vimeo. In the last post, I wrote about the two ends of Second Life, representation and escaping the material constraints of the real world. And having covered one end, I come across a sim that exemplifies the other. Peatonville Bay is currently open for […]
Glitch and Overlay: Em Hotep
Em hotep from Tizzy Canucci on Vimeo. An exercise in glitch and overlay. For me, Second Life has two main creative positions, both of which are equally valid. The first models the real world, representing it in realistic, or stylised, ways. The second goes out to achieve things that are not possible with the material […]
Persistence and Permanence in Virtual Worlds
In the flush of youth, mortality seems so far away, irrelevant even. Technology is like that too. We dig into programs seeing what they will do for us now, without really thinking what they might be like in a dozen years time. If that future was imaginable, it would probably have already been in the […]
Repeat & Reflect
Ebony Glendevon, the curator at The Zeigler at Somerton has been trying to get an exhibition out of me for a while. But with being so busy in real life, including to getting to grips with the moving image, it’s taken some time. Besides which, I have my doubts about inworld exhibitions. And I couldn’t […]
Games or Life?
I was watching an interesting video recently about a new game that’s now just been released, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, made by The Chinese Room. Dan Pinchbeck, the Creative Director, and Jessica Curry, the Studio Head/Composer, talk in the video below about how players ‘discover story’ through finding electrical devices to interact with in […]