The Far Away in Second Life, photo by Tizzy Canucci

Long Wires, Blowing

Long Wires, Blowing by Tizzy Canucci
Long Wires, Blowing, a photo by Tizzy Canucci on Flickr

Long Wires, Blowing, a photo by Tizzy Canucci on Flickr.

I found this landmark in my inventory. I think someone must have said “have you been to The Far Away?”, I must have said “no, not yet”, and they then passed me the landmark. My memory then failed!

This is a very good example of how something very minimal can be very effective. In a very small area, they’ve created a tremendous sense of space with a feel of wide horizons through a very good use of backdrops. It’s well worth a visit!

Rusted into the Field, photo by Tizzy Canucci on Flickr
Rusted into the Field, photo by Tizzy Canucci on Flickr

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