'To bed, to enter, Dreams of Sakura', taken by Tizzy Canucci in Second Life

Dream Worlds

'Sea of Cubic Dreams #2', by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr
‘Sea of Cubic Dreams #2’, by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr

‘All our language is composed of brief little dreams; and the wonderful thing is that we sometimes make of them strangely accurate and marvelously reasonable thoughts. . .

'To bed, to Enter, Dreams of Sakura', by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr
‘To bed, to Enter, Dreams of Sakura’, by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr

‘What should we be without the help of that which does not exist? Very little. . . .

'Across the Rooftops: Little Town', by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr
‘Across the Rooftops: Little Town’, by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr

‘And our unoccupied minds would languish if fables, mistaken notions, abstractions, beliefs, and monsters, hypotheses, and the so-called problems of metaphysics did not people with beings and objectless images our natural depths and darkness. . .

'The Song and the Unicorn', by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr
‘The Song and the Unicorn’, by Tizzy Canucci, on Flickr

Myths are the souls of our actions and our loves. We cannot act without moving towards a phantom. We can love only what we create.’
― Paul Valéry

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